What Opportunities Are Available on the Production Team?

Light Tech

The duties of a Light Tech include: Arriving at 7:15 on Sunday mornings to rehearse light scenes with the band during practice. Operating the light computer during both first and second service. It is important to be very attentive to what is happening in the service at all times. Participating in the weekly devotional with the Worship and Media Team. Praying over the weekend services and the people who will be attending as well as those watching online.

Computer Tech

The duties of a Computer Tech include: Arriving at 7:15 on Sunday mornings to rehearse song lyrics with the band during practice. Operating the computer during both first and second service. It is important to be very attentive to what is happening in the service at all times. Participating in the weekly devotional with the Worship and Media Team. Praying over the weekend services and the people who will be attending as well as those watching online.

Stage Manager

The duties of a Stage Manager include: Assisting in technical aspects of the Sunday services. Sending people on stage at the appropriate times, managing microphones, communicating with the Tech Team and keeping everyone on task. (It is important to be very attentive to what is happening in the service at all times.) Attending practice on Wednesday nights at 8:30 PM. Arriving at 7:45 on Sunday mornings for sound check with the band. Participating in the weekly devotional with the Worship and Media Team. Praying over the weekend services and the people who will be attending as well as those watching online.

Requirements: Interview and acclimation period.


Production Team Application