Our Vision is to reach as far as we can with as many as we can.

We believe everyone has been called by God to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. We believe that everyone was created for a purpose. We believe we can make a difference.

Our Mission is to connect you to your purpose, so you can make a difference.

Our faith in God is not defined by our church attendance; it is defined by our actions toward others. We believe the church has been given the power to lead families, communities, and nations into freedom.

Our Values guide every decision we make, both collectively and individually.

Our values create the rails upon which we travel as we move forward toward accomplishing the vision. Therefore, each decision we make is guided by our values, not our opinions or emotions.

Crosspointe Values

  • We live like the Word of God is true.
  • We make integrity and excellence our priority.
  • We make everybody feel like a somebody.
  • We are more generous than expected.
  • We recruit, train, and trust others with the work of the ministry.