(Must be 18 or older and must have attended Crosspointe for three months.)
In the Bible, when individuals accepted Christ, they were baptized and became part of a family of believers in a local church. They committed themselves to the teaching, service, and support of that group. To become a member of the Crosspointe family is no different. Becoming a member simply means that you’ve committed to do your part in helping the vision come to pass.
We believe this commitment involves three things:
I Commit to Serve
At Crosspointe, our desire is to connect you to your purpose. We believe the pathway to your purpose begins with discovering your God-given gifts and passions and finding a way to use them to minister to other people – to make a difference. Our part in this discovery is to train and trust you with the work of the ministry, and your part is simply to say, “Yes, I will serve.”
I Commit to Give
At Crosspointe we make it our goal to be more generous than expected. We believe the blessings of God are designed to flow through us. We believe that we are to be carriers of God’s blessings and not containers. We give out of obedience. We give as an act of faith, and we give as a powerful way to partner with God—to be carriers of His blessings to someone else. We believe this is God’s plan for the support and the success of the local church.
I Commit to Agree
At Crosspointe, we believe that unity is paramount to accomplishing the vision. We strive to find common ground and keep peace in all our relationships, but we will never compromise what we believe for the sake of peace. We believe there are two points of agreement that are necessary to achieve unity: agreement with our Fundamental Beliefs and agreement with our Vision, Mission, and Values.
I Want to Become a Member of Crosspointe
If you already meet the Crosspointe membership requirements of serving, giving, and agreeing there is only one final step to complete your membership process: attend our next Newcomers Meet and Greet.