Life Recovery Meetings

Mondays and Saturdays  – Crosspointe Church  |  7:00 PM 

Mondays  – Al-Anon | Crosspointe Church  |  7:00 PM 

Thursdays – McKeel Room of Ada Library  |  12:00 PM

Fridays – Crosspointe Church  | 7:00 PM (Man-Up Life Recovery)

Life Recovery Speaker Meeting

3rd Monday of the Month – Crosspointe Church  I  6:30-8:30 PM

Everyone is welcome  I  No childcare provided. 

Life Recovery is a Christ-Centered 12 step recovery program that offers hope and support for those who struggle with addictions, difficult emotions, relational struggles, and issues with life.

Life Recovery is about

  • Hope
  • Healing in every aspect of a person’s life
  • Community
  • Transformation (personal spiritual growth)

We use the Life Recovery Bible and Workbook which provides

There is hope for all of us, no matter how terrible our past or the problems we face today. That’s what the Life Recovery 12 Step Group is all about—finding hope in the middle of our addictions. The Twelve Step program guides us into community, where all involved are a part of each other’s recovery. The Twelve Steps are worked and lived in a group; independence is deadly for any addict. Life Recovery is a process that starts when awareness and desire to find a better way to live result in a willingness to surrender to God.

The Life Recovery 12 Step Group uses the Life Recovery Bible and Life Recovery Workbook to experience transformation from death to life, from addiction to recovery. The Life Recovery Bible provides a strong biblical foundation for recovery and integrates the Twelve Steps with Scripture and introduces us to a true Power greater than ourselves: the God of the Bible.  For people who know the Bible but are in need of recovery, it introduces them to the Twelve Steps in a Christ-centered recovery program.

Al-Anon is a fellowship of friends and families of alcoholics and addicts who share their experience, strength, and hope. Al-Anon uses the Al-Anon’s Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions and Courage to Change (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon ll).